The Mourning Society wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for an amazing group of volunteers that make our events so special. We’ll be shining a spotlight on our members throughout the 2021 fall season.
You still have two chances to come out and meet us in person this year at these upcoming events : Twilight Tours at the Campbell House on October 29 and A Haunted Christmas at the Bissell House on December 4.
If you are interested in joining the Mourning Society of St. Louis, you can find out more by clicking here or sending us a message.
💀 How long have you been a member of the Mourning Society of St Louis, and how did you get started
Associated since 2016.
💀 What role do you play in the group?
Organizer at BCA and aid in other events when possible like Campbell House.
💀 What is your favorite Mourning Society event?
Anything at BCA, but I am biased😉
💀 What is your favorite topic?
Customs of the era. I think Historical Context is an essential teaching aid. To understand customs today, we need a better understanding of the past.