The Mourning Society wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for an amazing group of volunteers that make our events so special. We’ll be shining a spotlight on our members throughout the 2021 fall season.
You still have two chances to come out and meet us in person this year at these upcoming events : Twilight Tours at the Campbell House on October 29 and A Haunted Christmas at the Bissell House on December 4.
If you are interested in joining the Mourning Society of St. Louis, you can find out more by clicking here or sending us a message.
💀 How long have you been a member of the Mourning Society of St Louis and how did you get started?
I am one of the founding members of the Mourning Society of St. Louis. Katherine and John and I had been doing mourning events at another location for 10 years, then moved to Bellefontaine Cemetery and formed the Mourning Society 6 years ago. I’ve always been interested in 19th century medicine and mourning customs, so being in a group of like minded people has been a great experience and a lot of fun for me. I’ve met some amazing folks and made some really good friends in this group.
💀 What role do you play in the group?
At most of our events I’m dressed in full mourning, so I’m known as “The Widow” of the group, which makes it interesting when I introduce people to my very much alive husband! My other title is “The Leech Lady” because I am the procurer of leeches for the 19th century medical presentations I do within the group. I help with the planning of our events, and give presentations about mourning customs. Over the years I have accumulated quite a collection of mourning jewelry, post mortem photography, coffins, and mourning ephemera that we display at our events. I am also the official proofreader for our articles and event posts.
💀 What is your favorite Mourning Society event?
It’s so hard to pick a favorite event! It has to be a tie between our “Consolations of Memory” event at Bellefontaine Cemetery where we get to reenact an 1860s funeral in a beautiful historic cemetery, and “Twilight Tours” at The Campbell House where we do mourning presentations inside the walls of that gorgeous mansion. I consider all of our events an honor—it’s so special to be invited to do events at so many wonderful historic locations in St. Louis!
💀 What is your favorite topic?
My favorite topic is 19th century medicine. I’m a nurse, so it’s fun for me to explain to people how medicine has changed over the centuries, while in some ways staying much the same. I especially enjoy talking about my leeches and how they are still being used in medicine today!