The Mourning Society wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for an amazing group of volunteers that make our events so special. We’ll be shining a spotlight on our members throughout the 2021 fall season.
You still have three chances to come out and meet us in person this year at these upcoming events : Consolations of Memory at Bellefontaine Cemetery on October 2, Twilight Tours at the Campbell House on October 29, and A Haunted Christmas at the Bissell House on December 4.
Registration is now open for Consolations of Memory at Bellefontaine Cemetery on October 2 and tickets for Twilight Tours at the Campbell House are available for purchase!
If you are interested in joining the Mourning Society of St. Louis, you can find out more by clicking here or sending us a message.
💀 How long have you been a member of the Mourning Society of St Louis and how did you get started?
I met a founder through a friend and when she told me about what she did, I was instantly fascinated. I got started when the group was still at the Chatillon-DeMenil mansion. When they migrated to collaborate with Bellefontaine Cemetery, I followed.
💀 What role do you play in the group?
In the past I've been in costume and talked about a topic but lately I've been an event photographer.
💀 What is your favorite Mourning Society event?
Consolations of Memory ever October but the Women's Suffrage events are delightful, too!
💀 What is your favorite topic that we cover at events?
I dig a variety of topics! Tombstone iconography, post-mortem photography, and momento-mori, to name a few. Another topic of great importance I love to hear about are the voices of black figures and their contributions.