Who We Are: Sherri

The Mourning Society wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for an amazing group of volunteers that make our events so special. We’ll be shining a spotlight on our members throughout the 2021 fall season.

You still have three chances to come out and meet us in person this year at these upcoming events : Consolations of Memory at Bellefontaine Cemetery on October 2, Twilight Tours at the Campbell House on October 29, and A Haunted Christmas at the Bissell House on December 4.

If you are interested in joining the Mourning Society of St. Louis, you can find out more by clicking here or sending us a message.

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💀 How long have you been a member of the Mourning Society and how did you get started?

I have been a member of the Mourning Society since 2016 so for about 5 years now - I got started by attending your first Mourning and Consolations event at Bellefontaine Cemetery in 2015. I was looking for a Cemetery tour because it was October and wanted to find something a little creepy to do. I googled and found your tour and signed myself and some friends up. I had been involved in reenacting in the past and thought this would be interesting.

I attended and was blown away by the detail in the presentations and how inviting everyone was! I was enthralled by the sheer spectacle of it all. They even had a Victorian hearse!

I have always been drawn to the slightly creepy and macabre aspect of history and thought "THESE ARE MY PEOPLE!" and joined through their web site and have had a wonderful time in this amazing group ! and am lucky to count Kathrine, Edna and Tom as friends.

💀 What role do you play in the group?

I research and give presentations on historical figures and events in historically accurate ( as possible ) costume. I do sew my own fashions.

💀 What is your favorite Mourning Society event?

I would have to say it is the Consolations of Memory event at Bellefontaine Cemetery. I am always amazed at the historical wealth and treasure to draw from there! I love being able to bring light to these surprising and sometimes scandalous stories.

💀 What is your favorite topic?

I would have to say the suffrage movement. I think it is so important for people realize what this hard fought battle was all about. ! It was barely even mentioned in schooling . The more their history is told the more people will understand how all of us should be grateful for their courage and determination.