St Louis Post Dispatch, April 22 1920
It may seem like by 1920 that the ratification of the 19th Amendment was a foregone conclusion, after all the women of Missouri had won the right to vote in their state the previous March, but by April of 1920 only 35 states had ratified the Amendment out of the required 36. The fight was still on to make suffrage a right for every woman in the country. Here’s what was going on in suffrage in April 1920:
-April 21, 1920 Campaigns for the Suffrage Amendment were waged in several states in the hopes that one of them will be the key 36th state to ratify. A delegation of 100 members of the Vermont Equal Suffrage called on Governor Clement with the request that he call a special session of the legislature to vote on the suffrage question. The St. Louis Star and Times
-April 22, 1920 Missouri women became part of the political process for the first time at the Democratic State Convention in Joplin, MO. Several women from across the state participated in the session including many who had been active in the suffrage movement. Notably, Mrs J W McKnight stood as the first women to preside at a State Committee meeting. St Louis Post Dispatch
April, 23, 1920 - Mrs Walter McNab Miller was selected by the Missouri Suffrage Association to represent the women of Missouri at the special session of the Connecticut Legislature for ratification of the 19th Amendment. When asked about this campaign she said 'There is no matter of greater moment to the women of the United States than the coming drive to be waged by women throughout the length and breadth of Connecticut This is even more important, because of the failure of Delaware to come to the rescue just as we were on the eve of a great victory for the women of our country’ The St Louis Star and Times