We need you!

Help celebrate the centennial of the key years of the Women's Suffrage Movement from 1918 to 1920 with us! We are looking for ladies and gentleman to participate in living history events over the next few years culminating in the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment.


Click here to find out how you can sign-up for events!


If you are interested in historic clothing, the early 20th century is an easy and inexpensive place to start plus you'll have the opportunity to learn more about the national fight for the right to vote and the women of Missouri who led the way! You can learn more about the movement and the fashions of 1918 at our next event:

WWI, Wilson and Women's Suffrage at Jefferson Barracks - While the United States was entrenched in WWI, women waged their own war at home marching for the right to vote! Learn how St. Louis women were involved in this struggle, and how you can put together an era- appropriate outfit to join in upcoming events as we forge ahead to 2020 and the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment.

Free to the public - Join this event on Facebook

So, what does this have to do with mourning? Nothing at all! The Mourning Society started recruiting ladies to interpret the St Louis Golden Lane Protest of 1916 for Bellefontaine Cemetery's 2016 Decoration Day Event. We had a great response and it was so much fun that we decided to look for more events we could participate in. It also gives us a chance to do something outside of our usual busy season in the fall.


The Mourning Society has participated in Bellefontaine Cemetery's 2016 Decoration Day, The League of Women Voters Celebrate the Vote and we've created our own program To Ask For Freedom: 100 Years of Women's Suffrage celebrating the words of famous St Louis Suffrage leaders such as Edna Gellhorn, organizer of the 1916 Golden Lane Protest, and Florence Wyman Richardson, the first president of the St. Louis Equal Suffrage League.

If you would like us to participate in an upcoming event you can contact us here or through our Facebook Page.