Who We Are: Tom

The Mourning Society wouldn’t be anything if it weren’t for an amazing group of volunteers that make our events so special. We’ll be shining a spotlight on our members throughout the 2021 fall season.

You still have three chances to come out and meet us in person this year at these upcoming events : Consolations of Memory at Bellefontaine Cemetery on October 2, Twilight Tours at the Campbell House on October 29, and A Haunted Christmas at the Bissell House on December 4.

Registration is now open for Consolations of Memory at Bellefontaine Cemetery on October 2

If you are interested in joining the Mourning Society of St. Louis, you can find out more by clicking here or sending us a message.


💀 How long have you been a member of the Mourning Society of St Louis and how did you get started?

I’m not sure😅 I think 4; maybe 5 years?? I was first made aware of the MS when they started having conversations with Bellefontaine Cemetery (where I was volunteering as a Master Guide) about a new home for their programming. They needed pall bearers (which is often the case LOL), so I said ‘sure’ and figured out really quick that I was hooked.

💀 What role do you play in the group?

Usually the ‘pastor’ for our funeral re-enactments, but I’ve also been a pall bearer and assistant of sorts helping with program details.

💀 What is your favorite Mourning Society event?

I’d have to say ‘Consolations of Memory’. It’s a full day of re-enacting and putting the ‘fun’ in funeral. LOL

💀 What is your favorite topic?

That’s a hard one, but I’ll say sharing the details of the formal clothing customs.